(صور) شابة تضع الماكياج قبيل وضعها لتتناسى الآلام

17 مارس 2016
لاقت فكرة التزيّن قبل الوضع ترحبياً من البعض (انستاغرام)
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انتشرت بشكل واسع صور لشابة وهي تضع الماكياج في المستشفى قبيل أن تلد. وقالت آلاها، البالغة من العمر 27 عاماً، من مدينة نيويورك، إنها فوجئت عندما انتشرت صورها تلك على "انستغرام" بهذا الشكل.

وأوضحت آلاها أنها بدأت بوضع الماكياج لتتناسى آلام الوضع، "أنا أحب القراءة أيضاً، وخلال الساعات الأولى كنت أقرأ كتاباً، بعدها بدأت أشعر بالصداع، لذا قررت تناول حقيبة الماكياج الخاصة بي والبدء بالتزيّن".

وأضافت يجب ألا يكون مظهرك مزرياً عند الوضع. اهتمي بنفسك طالما يسمح الطبيب بذلك، وافعلي شيئاً تحبينه واستمتعي بهذا اليوم.

وحظيت الصور بعددٍ كبيرٍ من التعليقات، فبعضهم تساءل عن نوع المستحضر الذي تستعمله، وكتبت أخريات أنهن يرغبن في فعل الشيء نفسه عند وضعهن، وأن يكن بكامل زينتهن.

كما لاقت الصور بعض التعليقات السلبية التي وصفتها بأنها مهتمة بمظهرها أكثر من المولود الذي سيأتي.

لكنها نفت ذلك قائلةً إن عملية الوضع هي لعبة انتظار، "وبالطبع تأكدت من سلامة الجنين وصحته، ولم يمانع الطبيب أن أضع الماكياج. ما فعلته لم يعرّض طفلي للخطر، ولم يؤثر على عملية الوضع".

Three weeks ago at this time I was finishing up my makeup and getting ready for my princess to make her appearance. Yes, I was doing my makeup while I was in labor! 😂😂😂 I was pausing during contractions and picking up where I left off once the contractions passed. I only packed some of my favorite products in my hospital bag... @morphebrushes 35O eyeshadow palette @marcbeauty remarcable foundation @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty lashes in "sophia" @anastasiabeverlyhills contour kit @mikasabeauty brushes and holder @royallangnickel MODA brushes @benefitcosmetics stay don't stray eyeshadow palette @gerardcosmetics brow bar to go @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade @brian_champagne hydraplex @doseofcolors liquid lipsticks @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics velour liquid lipsticks And a few other products. I can't believe how fast time flies! It's already been three weeks! 😭😭😭

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Three weeks ago at this time I was finishing up my makeup and getting ready for my princess to make her appearance. Yes, I was doing my makeup while I was in labor! 😂😂😂 I was pausing during contractions and picking up where I left off once the contractions passed. I only packed some of my favorite products in my hospital bag... @morphebrushes 35O eyeshadow palette @marcbeauty remarcable foundation @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty lashes in "sophia" @anastasiabeverlyhills contour kit @mikasabeauty brushes and holder @royallangnickel MODA brushes @benefitcosmetics stay don't stray eyeshadow palette @gerardcosmetics brow bar to go @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade @brian_champagne hydraplex @doseofcolors liquid lipsticks @jeffreestar @jeffreestarcosmetics velour liquid lipsticks And a few other products. I can't believe how fast time flies! It's already been three weeks! 😭😭😭

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We would like to take a second to welcome our precious angel, Sofia Alaya Karimi, into the world. Baby Sofia was born two nights ago, on February 15, 2016 at 6:19pm weighing 8lbs 13oz and a height of 21.5 inches. Mash'allah! Both of us are doing well Alhamdullilah. She has only been a part of our lives for two days and I can't even remember what life was like before her. She has changed our lives in ways we never thought were possible and has given us the most beautiful outlook on life. How could a little human who we have only known for 48 hours, have so much impact on our lives? Both hubby and I are so in love with her that we stare at her for hours as our hearts fill with joy, and our eyes fill with tears trying to understand how we became so lucky to be chosen as her parents. Subhanallah, Mash'allah, Alhamdullilah, times a million for everything God has blessed us with! I know many people are asking for pics, and I'm sorry but her father and I have decided to keep her beautiful face private for some time to keep her all to ourselves a little while longer and keep her away from evil eyes or Nazar (it's a cultural/religious thing and I hope you all understand). Family and friends are more than welcome to reach out and come visit once we are settled in and well-adjusted. Thank you to all those who sent flowers, texts, emails, calls, etc. I haven't been able to get back to everyone individually but I will as soon as I can. Now many of you are probably wondering about this picture, LOL! It was taken the minute she was first handed to me after I delivered her, look at her little head in my palm. Yes, I went full glam lol and I'll post more pics later of me doing my makeup DURING Labor and pausing for the severe contractions lol. And yes, I wore my @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty mink lashes in "SOPHIA" since it was appropriate lol. I had a natural birth alhamdullilah so it was tough, but I'm lucky enough to have been able to experience it firsthand and am so grateful. I prayed for all of the women who are trying to conceive to get to experience this beautiful feeling as well inshallah! Again, thank you all for the sweet messages, wishes, and love! God bless!

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اقرأ أيضاً: (فيديو وصور) قصص سوريين تحكي خمس سنوات من الثورة
